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The right time is NOW!

Take advantage of our exclusive offer tailored to you.
Book your personal training now with the 30-day money-back guarantee.

Our training packages at a glance


Setup Digital and Presence

Personalized coaching

6 months support

Mental Coaching

Risk and money management

Income Strategies

On request



Setup Digital and Presence

Personalized coaching

12 months support

Mental Coaching

Risk and money management

Income Strategies

On request



Setup Digital and Presence

Personalized coaching

24 months support

Mental Coaching

Risk and money management

Income Strategies

On request
- limited places -



Are you more digitally oriented, but still don’t want to miss out on personal training?

With our premium quality package, you get quality and individuality in one. The content is taught to you in a compact format. Individual support is included: Your personal coach accompanies you throughout your entire training.


Do you want to be well-positioned in business and are you interested in constructive networking?

Then we recommend our Premium Package – the top seller among our training packages. In-depth strategies and safeguards as well as an extra presence workshop provide you with everything you need. In addition, our Excellence Package includes coaching sessions after direct consultation with an external mental coach.


Already have an overview and / or would like to delve deeper into the subject matter in order to meet your personal demand for comprehensive, in-depth training as a professional?

In addition to all the content from the Premium and Excellence packages, the VIP area also includes a seminar/webinar on crypto (basics, practical applications, eg lending, microcredits, trading bitcoin in the same way as shares/options) as well as more extensive workshops and seminars on the topics of strategies, repairs and portfolio hedging.

Flyer about the mental coaching and crypto program gladly on request.

You have any questions?

Write to us for a free, no obligation consultation.